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Please Help Support the Sorensen Family
Sunday, 28 June 2020
Jason Sorensen, a 20 year retired Davis County Sheriffs Office lieutenant, Life Flight hoist paramedic & pilot was in a horrific plane crash while flying with a friend on Thursday, June 25, in Centerville, Utah. Due to the critical and extensive injuries to Jason, he is in critical condition in the ICU at the U of U burn center. He suffered extensive burns, multiple fractures to his legs, arms, pelvis and hips. Jason has successfully came through two surgeries, one of which required his legs am...

Crime Prevention
Tuesday, 31 March 2020
Simple Crime Prevention:
Anyone can be a target of even the simplest of crimes. Here are some tips to keep you safe in your everyday life:
-Always be aware of your surroundings and who is around you. Take time to observe what people are wearing and what they look like in case you have to describe it later to someone.
-Do not leave any items in your car that may be seen as valuable to someone else. Do not give thieves the opportunity. Put valuables in the trunk or cover them so they are no...