Retirement Information
If you are retiring, or if you are retired in the Public Safety System and are looking to return to work at a URS contributing agency, PLEASE note the following. In all cases, visit for exact info and current rules:
- Before returning to work full time with a government entity, you MUST be out of the system for 1 full year. 365 days. If you leave for 364, and come back, they will take your benefits and you’ll have to repay a portion of what’s been given. ONE. FULL. YEAR.
- You are allowed to retire and work part time, but you can’t make more than $20,000. If you do, see the penalty above.
- If you are part time or reserve (even unpaid reserve) and you want to go back to full time employment……..the first rule applies again! You have to be out of the retirement system for a full year…..even to teach, or drive a snow plow, or work at any government place or level (except elected positions).
- Before doing ANYTHING that may affect your retirement status, ALWAYS consult Utah Retirement Systems before you do. The Utah FOP and other stakeholders are always looking for ways to improve our retirements, but until those goals can be met, the legislature dictates what URS rules are and the current ones were designed to not be employee/retiree friendly.